Let Go and Let Dog!

Let Go and Let Dog is the title of my latest puppy power painting! We are having a paint party with perseverance!

Persevere with your puppy power! The English Bulldog is an inspiring canine character. When this dog sees what it wants, she becomes a Solid unwavering rock of determination and fight. When a bulldog gets a hold of her desired goal, you might as well walk away rather than take it from her. She Never wavers in Stance. She Never Lets Go. She sets her eyes on the goal or dream or object of her desire and is NOT even tempted by a treat, and she Remains unaffected by time. She just keeps pulling until she gets what she wants.


Have a paint party of perseverance! With Bulldog Tenacity!!



Tipsy Artist Definition

Tipsy Artist Definition

Tipsy Artist: adj.+noun; feeling good, buzzing with excitement and very intoxicating while also being blessed with humility and a profound love for all humanity and fine art. The artist will be infused with incredible creative super powers, intelligence, and deep thinking, but prone to giggle and saying the word “Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”



Parakeet Artist in Residence

Meet Skylo Grazie! He is our new parakeet in residence at the gallery!! He loves to hang out with me while I paint and listen to music. We will be teaching him many tricks. Male birds are capable of learning up to about 100 words. We will keep you up to date on all the fun phrases!





Be Amazing

“B” is for Being Amazed at what you are capable of creating in your life.


A Splendid rendition of the door frame that we always admired on one of our favorite shows “Friends”
We added the “B” for Bora as a whimsical Monogram to establish our welcome and front door identity.
